
loose bolt of a complete machine

rabbit on a keyboard

ren's art

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Malik in a little cape, October 2024

Gale in a goth-inspired Santa costume, offering a present with red and gold wrapping!

Gale offering a holiday gift, December 2024

A digital illustration of two boys, each inspired by a different Pokemon. The first is lean and short, with medium brown skin, light mauve/silver hair that curls in short spikes around his head with longer braids on either side of his face, and a little white wing barette. He is wearing a white short-sleeve dress shirt, gray shorts, and is carrying a brown leather bookbag along his shoulder and books in his ams. He has a blue bracelet/scrunchie on one wrist. He is wearing knee high white socks and brown boots. The other boy is taller and stockier, with pale skin a more sickly color, and blue/slate gray hair. He is wearing a blue tracksuit, the jacket unzipped over a white ring t-shirt with blue around the color. He is holding a brown leather bookbag in one hand, and the bookbag has a little bell tied at the bottom. He is wearing sneakers.

Togetic and Corviknight gijinka designs, December 2024

A digital drawing of a young boy with fluffy dark hair, brown skin, and golden eyes. He is wearing a brown jacket over a black turtleneck and khaki shorts, with long white socks and black sneakers. He's standing casually against a white background.

Malik in casual wear, December 2024

A digital drawing depecting the dark elf Jarlaxle from the Legend of Drizzt book series. He is drawn in a stylized, cartoon-ish manner. He has grayish purple skin, wears a wide brimmed purple hat with a green feather, a red eyepatch, golden earrings, a purple cropped vest that exposes his midriff and arms. He wears long maroon pants with a golden belt buckle and black boots, and he holds a rapier in his left hand.

Jarlaxle, January 2025

A digital illustration of Gale in his bedroom, reading magazines on his floor next to his bed and nightstand. There are clothes strewn about the bed and some posters on the wall behind it.

Gale in his bedroom, January 2025

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